In my last post I quoted the book "Conversations With Millionaires" and Mike Litman's interview with Jim Rohn, who had an intersting take on becoming a millionaire.
In their conversation Rohn said, "When I was 25 years old, my mentor said, 'I suggest Mr. Rohn, that you set a goal to become a millionaire...... for what it makes of you to achieve it."
Again: Set a goal to become a millionaire for what it makes of you to achieve it.
Rohn continues, "Do it for the skills you have to learn and the person you have to become. Do it for what you'll end up knowing about the marketplace, what you'll learn about the management of time and working with people. Do it for dicovering how to keep your ego in check....for what you have to learn about becoming benevolent.... for what you have to learn about society and business and government and taxes and becoming an accomplished person to reach the status of millionaire. All that you have learned and all that you've become to reach the status of millionaire is what's valuable. Not the million dollars. If you do it that way, then once you've become a millionaire, you can give your money away. Because it's not the money that's really important. What's important is the person you have become."
This is one of the best pieces of philosophy I have ever heard. And the man I know who did it the right way - the way described here, is my mentor, Orrin Woodward. Sure Orrin has gone from a struggling Platinum to fully qualified Founders Executive Diamond in the six 6 short years I've known him. But how he did it is what has earned him my admiration and respect. Orrin made himself the project. For the past six years, I have watched Orrin focus on improving himself and serving his team. He epitomizes the philosophy that Jim Rohn speaks about in the "Conversations..." book. Orrin Woodward has incredible results in all aspects of his life. That's why I'm following his lead as he builds his business.