Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Team News and Press Releases

Orrin Woodward Team news and press releases can be found at this Team website. This website includes Orrin's visit with John Maxwell and more....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Orrin Woodward Books

Additional Orrin Woodward Book information can be found on this Orrin Woodward Book information website.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady of Team - Launching A Leadership Revolution

Orrin Woodward & Chris Brady have hit a home run with their latest book, "Launching A Leadership Revolution".

Sure to become one of, if not the most influential book about a subject which many have spent a lifetime trying to master, "Leadership Revolution" is undeniably insightful, well researched and easy to read.

Orrin and Chris have put the lessons they have learned in the last ten years of building an incredibly successsful business into a book, so that anyone with an interest in self -improvement can learn what made them successful.

It's interesting to me that while so many companies try hard to protect the ideas which make them successful in the marketplace with trademarks and patents, Orrin & Chris give their secrets away - for the price of a book. As Orrin is fond of saying, "Everything rises and falls on leadership".

There's a big secret right there!

If you have ever been interested in succeeding in life, my advice to you is this. Get the book and happy reading!