Thursday, January 27, 2005

Orrin Woodward - Pat Riley

Hey, I found a great quote by basketball coach Pat Riley that reminds me of Orrin Woodward.

Riley has formulated what he calls "Riley's Laws of Motivation" which says: "You motivate yourself by trying to develop another reason above and beyond the natural motivation of just wanting to be successful. Everyone wants to win a championship. The ones who can really separate themselves from the pack are those who understand what it takes to sustain excellence. They understand that you have to get away from a "to have" mentality and prioritize "to be" ahead of "to have". And when you're thinking about being the very best, you're thinking about making sure that you're being a person, a performer, of whom you can be proud."

I am proud to be a part of a great team and I'm proud to follow a man like Orrin Woodward because of who he is. (BTW, I found this quote in a great book entitled "The Paradox of Power" by Pat Williams. I recommend it!)